Dry January: A Healthier Path to Mindful Drinking

The New Year brings many promises — a chance to start fresh, to leave old habits behind, and to reinvent ourselves in ways big and small. Social pressure and peer influence can be one of the biggest hurdles to overcome during the Dry January challenge. https://missouridigest.com/top-5-advantages-of-staying-in-a-sober-living-house/ If you’re a social drinker, you’d probably notice that you drink the most when you’re out with friends or at social events. Keep in mind that you should try to create an action plan of activities that will last you at least 30 minutes.

  • Warrington and her cofounder, Biet Simkin, are careful to state before each event that CLUB SÖDA is not an addiction recovery group, and Simkin estimates that only 30% of attendees never drink.
  • Fellow group members can help with problem-solving, for example, by offering solutions on how to navigate specific events that involve alcohol, or how to turn down a drink.
  • “One myth about alcohol is that you can drink yourself to better sleep,” Weiner said—but while you may fall asleep faster, you’re not necessarily getting restful sleep.
  • If your typical day includes a glass of wine with dinner, your goal might be replacing it with a non-alcoholic drink.

Success Rate of Damp January vs. Dry January

How do we ensure that Dry January is not just an isolated success but a stepping stone to a healthier lifestyle? The health benefits of Dry January are manifold and compelling—making the journey worthwhile. Examine and acknowledge these aspects as you progress in your month of abstinence. It isn’t just an annual Top 5 Advantages of Staying in a Sober Living House drill, but also a significant step in understanding alcohol’s role in your body and life. Our mood and overall emotional well-being play a pivotal part in how we navigate through daily activities and respond to situations. The absence of alcohol-induced mood swings is a noticeable change during Dry January.

  • In other words, making small changes to your lifestyle is your best bet if you wish to break undesirable drinking habits for good.
  • This challenge’s overwhelming success has led to similar initiatives throughout the year, the most popular being “Sober October.”
  • ” or prodding to “have just one.” Having an assertive and polite talk track you can easily turn to (rehearsing helps) can help you triumph over urges.
  • They sell everything from zero-alcohol gin, tequila, rum, and whiskey – each one tasting like the real deal.

Social Pressures and Peer Influence

Name your bigger vision, SEE yourself as someone who DOES these sorts of activities as a way of self-identifying, and break the overall goal into 15 minutes of action each day. A month of sobriety can feel daunting, but not if you have some tricks up your sleeve to help keep the booze at bay. Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology.

Understanding the Challenges and Overcoming Them

Seek to create alcohol-free days in your week as a way of maintaining balance. G) If you’ve noticed that drinking is your way of letting off steam or numbing difficult emotions, think about having a therapist on your side. They can help you maintain your goals, learn new tools for managing stress and emotions, and give you insight and helpful tips to manage your habits and triggers. This app covers everything health-related that’s going to get your energy levels up and help maintain new habits. It tracks your sleep, training, recovery, goals, and habits, to change your life for the better, long-term. COVID hit and studies showed an increase in drinking, especially among women, those with anxiety disorders or financial difficulties, and younger people.

What Are Some Dry January Benefits & Considerations

considering dry january mindful

“Success,” in this context, meant improvements in sleep, mental clarity, blood pressure, and various aspects of well-being. Almost 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. have mentioned that they would love to give Dry January a go. This challenge encourages participants to give up drinking for the entire month of January, allowing them to hit the reset button on their drinking habits at the start of a new year. As with many “health” challenges that go viral online, it’s easy to go through the motions of Dry January without really diving into your feelings. If you took a break from drinking and want to keep going, reflect on how you’ve felt living alcohol-free for the past few weeks.

[Podcast] Episode 8: Harm Reduction in Alcohol Health with Expert Dr. Andrew Tatarsky

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