DevSecOps vs DevOps: What’s Different and How to Make the Move

Follow these best practices to unify expectations and keep tension at bay. Tools are useless unless the results they produce are cycled back into the development process. Take advantage of reporting and analytics across the toolchain to evaluate the security status of the current release, and use that insight to improve the next development cycle. DevSecOps is a way to solve the problem of developers reserving security checks and testing for the later stages of a project — often as it nears completion and deployment. DevSecOps is the addition of security considerations and practices to an organization’s CI/CD workflow.

The key to solving problems like supply chain attacks is ensuring that the technology stack is not compromised by security breaches. If a malicious attacker manages to obtain login credentials, database access, or an IP address within the network, they should not be able to gain access to the entire network. Zero trust is another pillar of DevSecOps because it secures development, testing, and production environments against inside and outside threats. Tools should be as automated as possible and the results should be easy to interpret. Tools should report issues directly to the issue tracking system, which developers are already using to track software defects, making it a seamless part of their existing work process. Software teams use change management tools to track, manage, and report on changes related to the software or requirements.


It also prevents the security assessment from being a bottleneck in the development process. Security means introducing security earlier in the software development cycle. For example, programmers ensure that the code is free of security vulnerabilities, and security practitioners test the software further before the company releases it. DevSecOps security practices in the build phase include software component analysis, static application software testing and unit testing that analyzes the new code, as well as any dependencies. Common tools for build analysis include SonarQube, SourceClear, OWASP Dependency-Check, Retire.js, Snyk and Checkmarx. Unlike in collaborations between development and security, complexities arise when bringing together ops and security.

DevSecOps Expansion

Getting it wrong has far-reaching implications—both for the organizations and even the individuals involved. DevSecOps offers a framework for creating software securely from the very first step. And building on the well understood culture and processes of DevOps means that, for most businesses, a shift left to DevSecOps is a natural evolution. DevSecOps teams use interactive application security testing (IAST) tools to evaluate an application’s potential vulnerabilities in the production environment. IAST consists of special security monitors that run from within the application. DevOps focuses on getting an application to the market as fast as possible.

Plus, it can test and secure code with static and dynamic analysis before the final update is promoted to production. Developers have to understand security issues in order to participate in a security process. They need a solid understanding of cybersecurity issues and the corresponding secure coding practices. A developer must know how to avoid common vulnerabilities and why a specific coding style or method can lead to an attack.

Continuous integration

Some common technologies that are used in DevSecOps practices include automation and configuration management, Security as Code, automated compliance scans, host hardening, etc. Just like it is in DevOps, automation is a key characteristic in DevSecOps. In order to match the pace of security with your code delivery in a CI/CD environment, automation of security is a necessity. This is especially true for large organizations where developers push various versions of code to production multiple times a day.

This way, the development and operations teams can make independent security decisions when building and deploying the application. Another common challenge is the belief that increased security slows things down and is a barrier to innovation. To meet the demands of modern-day businesses, developers want to deliver their code rapidly. However, the primary focus of security teams is to ensure the code is secure. Such contrasting objectives make it hard for these two teams to work in unison. If you think you need to recruit certain people with magical coding skills for DevSecOps, then you’re mistaken.

Static application security testing (SAST) tools analyze and find vulnerabilities in proprietary source code. DevSecOps encourages flexible collaboration between the development, operation, and security teams. They share the same understanding of software security and use common tools to automate assessment and reporting. Everyone focuses on ways to add more value to the customers without compromising on security.

devops predictions

DevOps teams share the same goals, tools, and key performance indicators. DevOps aims to facilitate shorter development cycles, allowing for frequent releases while maintaining the software’s quality, resilience, and predictability. Agile is a mindset that helps software teams become more efficient in building applications and responding to changes. Software teams used to build the entire system in a series of inflexible stages. With the agile framework, software teams work in a continuous circular workflow. They use agile processes to gather constant feedback and improve the applications in short, iterative development cycles.

But what good will all of these positives do for your company if you aren’t prioritizing security? Focusing on leveraging DevOps to improve your workflow while ignoring security issues is like trying to push water uphill with a rake. Over the past year, there has been a multitude of incidents that highlight the importance of deploying secure code and infrastructure. As the SolarWinds and the recent PHP attack show, security is not just about protecting a running system, it is about enabling developers to be part of a comprehensive security story. DevSecOps automation can help organizations scale development while adding security, as well as uniformly adopt security features and reduce remedial tasks. Atlassian Jira Software Cloud provides a feedback tab so that customers can request additional integrations with third-party security vulnerability management tools, Prince said.

In this article, we will learn about SecOps and how integrating to actual DevOps practices can help the process to be lean and efficient. Hackers are always looking for the best ways to deploy malware and other exploits. Imagine if they were able to insert malware into an application during the build process, and that this malware was not discovered until the application had been distributed to thousands of customers.

DevSecOps Expansion

This emphasis on fast software delivery means that DevOps teams often overlook security considerations. The relegation of security to the end of the DevOps pipeline often accumulates vulnerabilities jeopardizing an organization’s assets, end-user data, and applications. DevOps culture is a software development practice that brings development and operations teams together. It uses tools and automation to promote greater collaboration, communication, and transparency between the two teams. As a result, companies reduce software development time while still remaining flexible to changes.

  • Getting it wrong has far-reaching implications—both for the organizations and even the individuals involved.
  • The relegation of security to the end of the DevOps pipeline often accumulates vulnerabilities jeopardizing an organization’s assets, end-user data, and applications.
  • Ongoing training has been important in cementing the cultural change required for DevSecOps, but Heim says that automation tools also help reinforce this cultural shift.
  • As a result of these integrated, automated processes, Heim says, “the feedback loop is much faster,” allowing the agency to improve security while also speeding up deployment.
  • DevOps involves collaboration between application development and operations teams, which work closely throughout the software development process.
  • The security team discovered security flaws only after they built the software.

Candidates should have a strong understanding of languages such as Python, Java, and Ruby. And a good DevSecOps engineer will also know programs such as Chef, Puppet, Checkmarx, and ThreatModeler. A drawback is DAST tools may not reach wide enough to test the entire attack surface, leading to some missed vulnerabilities. Although Turnau describes DevSecOps as an “ongoing effort” at GSA, the agency has made strides toward these goals, helped by investments in visibility and collaboration tools and CI/CD solutions. At the General Services Administration, some teams are further along than others in their implementation of DevSecOps, says Acting Director of Security Engineering Brian Turnau.

In the former pair, you simply have to teach your developers about security best practices and have them work closely with your security team. Although this arrangement does change some things for developers, there usually aren’t too many significant changes. You can only buy tools to use for the process, such as release management and CI/CD tools.

DevSecOps Expansion

“The two goals that are really driving this approach are security and speed. With improved collaboration between teams, agencies can reduce cyber risk because security is top of mind during the entire process. Push buggy code into production and the result might be a bad customer experience and potential lost business due to downtime. Automate software deployment, gain control over complex release cycles, speed the release process and improve product quality with IBM UrbanCode®. IBM UrbanCode® can speed and optimize software delivery for any mix of on-premises, cloud, and mainframe applications. Shifting left allows the DevSecOps team to identify security risks and exposures early and ensures that these security threats are addressed immediately.

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