Board Meeting Etiquette

Board meeting etiquette is a set of unspoken rules and procedures that board members follow to ensure that meetings are conducted efficiently. The proper manner of conducting meetings allows boards to function at a level that is appropriate to their responsibilities, and encourages collaboration. Following these guidelines is essential for a successful board meeting:

Respect the time of others by being punctual. Prepare yourself by reading the material on the board before time. Avoid distractions like your phone or emails and close any unnecessary laptop windows unless there is an emergency. During discussions, refrain from talking to others and interrupting speakers. Be attentive and ask questions as needed. If you’re not sure if a topic is relevant you can ask the speaker or chairperson of the board for clarification.

If you can’t attend the meeting in person provide the board with the agenda and any reports that are to be discussed ahead of time so that they can look over the information and get ready for the meeting. This will help save time and allow the discussion to remain focussed on the topic in hand.

Be respectful of fellow board directors even if you do not agree with their viewpoint. It is important to remember that the board is there to represent stakeholder and shareholder pop over to this web-site interests and make decisions that will help company success.

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