Expanding the continuum of substance use disorder treatment: Nonabstinence approaches PMC

In other words, alcohol use shifts from being rewarding to just trying to prevent feeling bad. When out for a nice dinner or attending a get-together, she still wanted the freedom of having a drink or two. Her counselor agreed that limiting her drinking could be a good solution and they set a goal for Sara to cut back her consumption to these special occasions only. The negative effects of your drinking may have turned you off of alcohol entirely, and that’s completely okay. If your reason for choosing abstinence is simply that you want to, that’s a perfectly valid reason to quit alcohol altogether.

Models of nonabstinence psychosocial treatment for SUD

controlled drinking vs abstinence

Such approaches could include cognitive behavioural therapy to address mental health issues that may contribute to excessive drinking; yoga or meditation for stress relief; art therapy for expressing emotions; faith-based support groups for spiritual growth among others. Remember that every person’s journey is unique; there are no one-size-fits-all solutions for managing alcohol intake. People suffering from alcohol addiction will thrive in absolute abstinence and find solace in sobriety groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, while others will less severe drinking habits will be able to manage their relationship with alcohol through controlled moderation techniques without feeling deprived or isolated socially. While you may see the appeal in a programme that allows for some level of drink intake, it’s crucial to consider the potential drawbacks that could come with this approach.

Complete sobriety might not always be a realistic solution for heavy drinkers.

This resistance to nonabstinence treatment persists despite strong theoretical and empirical arguments in favor of harm reduction approaches. The current review highlights multiple important directions for future research related to nonabstinence SUD treatment. Overall, increased research attention on nonabstinence treatment is vital to filling gaps in knowledge. For example, despite being widely cited as a primary rationale for nonabstinence treatment, the extent to which offering nonabstinence options increases treatment utilization (or retention) is unknown. In addition to evaluating nonabstinence treatments specifically, researchers could help move the field forward by increased attention to nonabstinence goals more broadly.

  • People suffering from alcoholism typically experience a physical and psychological dependence on alcohol, making it extremely challenging to maintain moderation.
  • Emotional resilience begins to grow as you learn new ways to cope with stress or anxiety without reaching for a drink.
  • Treatment programs that allow for and encourage patient-driven treatment goals may be more appealing, and may lead to greater treatment utilization and engagement.
  • Potential correlates of non-abstinent recovery, such as demographics andtreatment history, were based on NESARC results.

Drinking Goals in Alcoholism Treatment

controlled drinking vs abstinence

The goal of a moderation program is to support a person’s journey toward understanding their drinking behavior and create a safe environment for them to explore how to drink moderately. Simply put, those who want to learn to drink in moderation are less likely to achieve their goal, while those who set a goal of quitting drinking entirely see greater success. When people aiming for abstinence make a mistake, they may feel like quitting is impossible and give up entirely.

Alcohol Moderation Management Steps and Process

Alcohol moderation management isn’t just about cutting back and reducing your blood alcohol concentration, it’s a deeply personal journey that can empower you to regain control of your life and reconnect with those who matter most. This strategy is not about total abstinence but involves setting moderate drinking goals that are safe and sensible for you, paying attention to social influences that may sway your decisions, and developing self-awareness around your https://missouridigest.com/top-5-advantages-of-staying-in-a-sober-living-house/ triggers. Moderation techniques such as pacing yourself, choosing lower-alcohol options, or having alcohol-free days can be practical tools in this journey. A focus on abstinence is pervasive in SUD treatment, defining success in both research and practice, and punitive measures are often imposed on those who do not abstain. Most adults with SUD do not seek treatment because they do not wish to stop using substances, though many also recognize a need for help.

1 Non-abstinent recovery from alcohol use disorders

This study suggests that CBI may help participants control their drinking as opposed to simply encouraging abstinence (Gueorguieva et al., 2010). However, no studies to date have assessed the moderating role of drinking goal Top 5 Advantages of Staying in a Sober Living House on CBI efficacy. In prior analyses, there were no differences between the low risk drinking classes (Class 5 and 6) in drinking or psychosocial functioning in the year following treatment (Witkiewitz, Roos, et al., 2017).

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