What Is Hangxiety and How to Avoid It

what is hangxiety

Alcohol initially gets broken down into a toxic chemical called acetaldehyde, which the enzyme ALDH then converts into a less toxic compound that can be metabolized into carbon dioxide and water. Certain versions of the ALDH2 result in less-efficient ALDH enzymes. “Individuals with this variant develop greater levels of acetaldehyde — a molecule more toxic than alcohol and thought to be involved in the development of hangover symptoms,” Nutt said. Research also suggests that hangovers decrease cognitive performance.

what is hangxiety

I’ve powerless over alcohol examples found that whenever I’m feeling anxious—regular anxiety or hangxiety—being kind to myself is crucial. Cut yourself some slack and remember that these feelings are temporary. Baskin-Sommers recommends reducing the total amount of alcohol in the system by alternating between hard and virgin beverages on a night out.

  1. When you remember (or try to remember) what happened the next day, you might feel embarrassment or a sting of regret.
  2. But that’s not a reasonable alternative for many people, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be.
  3. A type of emotional withdrawal can also occur, according to Turner.
  4. “There is almost no research on individual differences to the negative effects of alcohol,” Nutt said.
  5. If sleeping is difficult, try quiet, restful activities like reading or listening to calm music.

Plan your drinking occasions

Another key component that can drum up hangxiety is faulty memory, Andand says. And if you’re not totally sure what you did, you might feel nervous as you wait for your friends to tell you what happened. A type of emotional withdrawal can also occur, according to Turner. The term “hangxiety” is now fairly widely used, though the official origins of the verbiage are unknown.

But you probably don’t feel up to taking a walk, doing yoga, or journaling about your feelings if you’ve got a pounding headache or the room spins when you move. A 2019 study looked at 97 people with varying levels of shyness who drank socially. Researchers asked 50 of the participants to drink as they usually would, and the other 47 participants to stay sober. Whether you have one drink or five, your body eventually has to process the alcohol out of your system.

Adnand suggests a dry January, starting off the year with a full 31 days of alcohol abstinence. If that seems a bit too dry, you can try a few weeks or stick to some of the tips and tricks meant to dull the effects of hangxiety, like increased hydration. If it begins to drag on into two or three days, Adnand warns, this may be your body trying to tell you something more urgent.

How to Manage the Dreaded “Hangxiety” After a Night Out

Often, a big part of hangxiety is worrying about what you might have said or done while drinking. But remember, what’s true for you is likely true for everyone else. Certain medications, including some anxiety and anti-inflammatory medications, may interact with alcohol. Your medications may be less effective, and you may feel anxious, restless, or agitated. People are also more likely to indulge in foods that might also trigger anxious feelings. Research from 2014 suggests this can contribute to anxiety and other changes in mood.

What Is Hangxiety? Plus 6 Tips for Getting Rid of It

“Considering your motivation for drinking and the state you are in when you start drinking can be useful,” Baskin-Sommers says. “If you are drinking does alcohol bother gallbladder to “feel better” or you already are feeling down when you start drinking, it is most likely that these feelings will get worse after you drink.” “Alcohol does help people get to sleep, but it doesn’t help the quality of sleep and it affects your REM sleep,” Andand says.

You’re probably familiar with the usual physical symptoms of a hangover — the pounding headache, the nausea, the need to wear sunglasses at the first hint of daylight. Enjoying a few drinks with friends during a night out or at a party can make for a fun evening. Everyday Health follows strict sourcing guidelines to ensure the accuracy of its content, outlined in our editorial policy. We use only trustworthy sources, including peer-reviewed studies, board-certified medical experts, patients with lived experience, and information from top institutions.

what is hangxiety

“That may not be anxiety; that might be alcohol withdrawal, and that suggests dependence to alcohol, which is a very high-risk factor for addiction.” After alcohol has really enhanced the GABA neurotransmitter, glutamate, its natural counter tries to balance it out. The day after drinking (even if you didn’t drink heavily), depending on your personal biology, your brain’s rebalancing of that glutamate may cause anxiety and agitation, Adnand says. If you find that you’re experiencing unpleasant effects during or after drinking alcohol, consider not drinking at all. If you’re at a point at which you have become so dependent on alcohol that you are unable to decrease your consumption—even in light of these unpleasant effects—then it’s important to get professional help. Following this idea, a 2019 study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences measured levels of anxiety among social drinkers before, during and after drinking.

What Is Hangxiety (& Is There a Way to Get Rid of It)? I Asked a Therapist

A drop in mood-enhancing neurotransmitters like dopamine might also contribute to a lower mood. In a perfect world we’d be able to does water flush alcohol out of urine drink responsibly and have fun without feeling the crushing weight of anxiety the next morning. In reality, though, some people are better off—and, more importantly, happier—without alcohol in their lives. You’ve probably noticed that different types of alcohol make you feel differently.

Because alcohol consumption also disrupts healthy sleep patterns, it may become more difficult to make decisions, complete simple tasks and concentrate your attention on any one thing. “People who have preexisting anxiety or other mental health conditions are at higher risk for experiencing the psychological effects after having alcohol,” Baskin-Sommers says. Adnand adds that in his experience, women, and those who experience social anxiety, are also more likely to be affected. If you’re experiencing recurring episodes of hangxiety when you drink alcohol, it could be a sign that you have an underlying mental health condition or alcohol use disorder. “Hangxiety” is a term used to describe a feeling of nervousness or unease after drinking alcohol. Usually, these symptoms of irritability or a sense of apprehension begin about eight to 12 hours after drinking, as the effects of alcohol wear off.

“Alcohol itself is a depressant and has sedating effects,” Dr. Arielle Baskin-Sommers, a professor of psychology and psychiatry at Yale, said in an email to USA TODAY. “It helps us feel relaxed when drinking, but when we stop drinking the brain tries to recalibrate from the more sedating effects leaving some to feel worked up, anxious and irritable,” she says. Hangxiety is the mash-up term pop culture has given to that feeling of anxiety or sadness that can follow an evening of heavy drinking. At the time, I wrote it off, unfamiliar with the phenomenon she was referring to. Like many others, I have become all too acquainted with the rapid heartbeat and untraceable melancholy that sometimes follows a night of drinking.

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