Category: NLP algorithms

Generative design: leveraging artificial intelligence for design optimisation

Tech briefing: generative design Supply Management Sohi now works with companies in manufacturing and design, connecting those innovating in the design sphere with tools that could help them do. Autodesk is well known for its computer aided design and digital prototyping software, putting it at forefront of design technology. There is no doubt that the world of manufacturing and design has been transformed over the past decade, with the technological advances of industry 4.0 changing the way in which products…

Improving finance and accounting software with AI

It acts a support system to the human minds in completing the tedious, repetitive tasks without much or no intervention. It has transformed the level of work done by the professionals in an organisation elevating them to do higher level tasks. It does hold certain drawbacks regarding the employee morale, learning curve, advancements and cost involved which might get sorted out over time. AI also helps companies in making smart credit and underwriting decisions which helps them reduce predicted risks…

How to Purchase Generative Fill beta in 2023 » Daddy Assets

How to extend a background with Photoshop’s new Generative AI tool This starts by identifying areas and problems which can be made easier and solved. To sum it up, Adobe Photoshop Generative AI Fill is a revolutionary tool that can save immense time and produce professional results. As with any tool, practice is the key to mastery; you can start by working on your personal projects. You can also experiment with different images to fully grasp the true potential of…