Category: Sober living

How To Stay Sober During The Holidays

If you are feeling lonely, call up your sponsor, a friend, or attend a meeting. Celebrating the holiday season should be about enjoying the break. The better you feel physically and emotionally, the better you will be prepared to face stress. If you need treatment for addiction to alcohol or other drugs, consider going to rehab over the holidays It’s important to have open and honest communication to make this season enjoyable and safe. The holiday season revolves around unrelenting…

How Long Does It Take to Detox From Alcohol?

The program may also offer counseling and support to address the underlying causes of alcohol dependence and develop strategies for maintaining sobriety. Medical detox is typically recommended for individuals who have been heavily dependent on alcohol for an extended period or who have experienced severe withdrawal symptoms in the past. It involves the supervision and assistance of medical professionals to manage the withdrawal process and ensure the individual’s safety. We will delve into the body’s process of metabolizing alcohol, exploring…

Halfway house Description, Reintegration, Support, Recovery, & Facts

Ceneca R. Johnson had been busted three times after robbing banks at gunpoint. When arrested again in August 2012, he was supposed to be in the custody of the Iowa Department of Corrections, but had absconded from the department’s Davenport halfway house. However, there has been little political will to monitor halfway houses and ensure they deliver the programs and services they promise. A bill introduced by Florida state Senator Jeff Clemens to regulate sober houses and halfway houses, SB…

Alcohols Effects on the Cardiovascular System

It is clear that alcohol consumption is related to hypertension, and therefore the restriction of alcohol intake is recommended in the management of hypertension. Alcohol and its metabolites, however, also exhibit a vasodilatory action, and the BP usually decreased after alcohol ingestion, especially in Orientals who show alcohol flush. Mechanisms for the pressor action of alcohol have not been completely clarified; however, an increase in the vascular sensitivity, activation of the sympathetic nervous system and depletion of magnesium and calcium…

The Role of Sleep Hygiene in Promoting Public Health: A Review of Empirical Evidence

Below we provide a review of the empirical support for several of the most common sleep hygiene recommendations including caffeine consumption, smoking, alcohol use, exercise, stress, noise, sleep timing, and daytime napping. To date, only a few studies have directly tested the efficacy of this recommendation by assigning individuals to adopt a regular sleep schedule and observing the effects on subsequent sleep. In contrast, Manber and colleagues recruited 39 college students who reported both irregular sleep schedules and excessive daytime…

What is Sobriety?

In short order, stories started filtering out about people being hassled at 12-step meetings for using Suboxone or methadone. People were told at recovery meetings, “you aren’t really in recovery if you are taking methadone/Suboxone – you’re just swapping one drug for another.” I’ve seen people say things along these lines at Narcotics Anonymous meetings. Yet the clinical utilization of Suboxone and methadone results in a 50% reduction in both overdosages and death from overdose. Recovery has to be…

Alcohol Use Disorder Medication Is Safe, Effective, and Seriously Underused The Pew Charitable Trusts

Your doctor may be able to recommend medications, supplements, or therapy to alleviate your symptoms. Studies have found that alcohol may increase sleepiness momentarily. Once these effects wear off, alcohol causes the person to wake up more often throughout the night and reduces the overall duration and quality of sleep [4]. Because alcohol is an unhealthy coping mechanism, it’s crucial to have structures in place that prevent you from using it as an emotional crutch. What This Means for Future…

Fear Of Being Sober? How to Cope with a Fear of Sobriety

Content Fear of a New Life Common Fears about Getting Sober Understanding Nifaliophobia: The Fear of Being Sober I remember when I first got sober, I was concerned about giving up drugs and alcohol forever. That meant that no matter what, no matter what I was going through, how bored I was, or how I was feeling, I had to completely abstain. I was afraid of sobriety because I was afraid that I was going to be boring and dull…

Use a Contingency Plan to Protect Your Business 2024

Curious about how to write a project plan that keeps tasks on track and stakeholders satisfied? Much like snagging a ‘just in case’ umbrella on a cloudy day, your contingency plan gives you the reassurance that you have a backup plan — so you don’t end up caught in the rain. Think through all of the potential roadblocks, errors, and issues that could sabotage your project. In some industries, a contingency plan isn’t something that’s nice to have — it’s…

Alcohol Use Screening Tests: MedlinePlus Medical Test

For someone with alcohol use disorder, a relationship has developed between them and alcohol that makes not drinking a constant battle. They are emotionally, psychologically, and perhaps even physically dependent on it. For someone who has alcohol use disorder, though, stopping drinking isn’t easy. Even if they do stop for a while after recognizing that it is a destructive habit, relapsing and falling back into it is sadly always possible. For men over the age of 65 and women, heavy…